Welcome to St. Alban’s

As a diverse, intergenerational, inclusive Christian community in the Episcopal Tradition, we seek the transformation of lives through sharing the gifts of God's grace and love.

What's Happening

  • Epiphany Service Project

    Supply Kits for Our Unhoused Neighbors.

    This will be our Epiphany service project this year. We'll be assembling the kits on Sunday, January 12th, after the service. Everyone is welcome to participate. If you would like to donate items for the kits please see the sign up sheet below . There is a bin in the PLC for those who want to bring their items ahead of time versus bringing the day of the event on Jan 12th. If you have any questions please contact Do Perez  (512-791-8817).

  • Annual Visitation from Bishop Kathryn Ryan!

    We will be hosting Bishop Ryan for her annual visitation on Sunday, January 19th and 10am with coffee to follow.

    Please join us as we continue to celebrate Epiphany with Confirmation, Reaffirmation, and Reception into the Episcopal Church. Anyone seeking to renew their Baptismal vows can contact Rev. Peggy to discuss.

  • Annual Parish Meeting

    Sunday, January 26th after the 10am service.

    We address a lot of things during this meeting, but one of the major things we do is elect new members to our Vestry and appoint folks to be our delegates at the 2025 Diocesan Council. 

    Please join us as we plan for the next calendar year in the life of our parish.

Sunday Service 10 am
Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Children's Chapel
Nursery Care

You can also join us live on Facebook 

Here’s the Bulletin and the Pew card

Recordings can be found on our YouTube channel

Coffee Hour
Christian Formation

Children’s Ministry

Children’s Chapel & Godly Play