Adult Formation
Sunday Morning Christian Education (in person)
This takes place in the parlor after the 10 a.m. service. This may be led by the Rector or other lay leaders.
In February, we’ll be doing a training/refresher course for all those who serve on Sunday mornings. We’ll talk about the spiritual and practical aspects of serving in each of these roles: intercessor, lector, chalice bearer, and hopefully usher and greeter as well. This series will culminate in the CPR/AED & First AID training on March 9th.
In Lent, we will do a deep dive into the Nicene Creed, since we are celebrating the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea this year. We will talk about its history and what it means for us today, and examine a section of the creed each week.
During Easter, we’ll start an 8-week series on the Gospel According to Luke, since it’s the focus gospel this church year.
In June, Bill Leonard will lead a four week series, while Rev. Peggy is away. When she returns, we’ll wrap up our discussion on Luke and start a series on Women in the Bible and the Early Church.
In the fall, we’ll do a deep dive into the Book of Common Prayer and how it can serve as a guide to our spiritual life and doorway for exploring the foundations of our faith and tradition.
Contact Rev. Peggy with any questions.
Monday Night Read Aloud Group (Zoom)
A weekly read-aloud takes place on Mondays from 6:30-8:00pm Central. Hosted by Tom and Julie Shinnick, the nice thing about reading a book out loud together is that there is no homework, and if you have questions, you can ask them right away. Contact Janessa for the link.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study (Zoom)
Join a lively study and discussion on the readings assigned for the upcoming Sunday. We meet on Wednesdays from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Contact Janessa for the link.